Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 24, 2008

12w: Amazed

Twelve weeks today. I have an OB appointment tomorrow where we will (hopefully) hear the heart beat with the Doppler. I'm actually excited about it. Then on Thursday we go out of town for our NT scan. MH is hoping to see a penis. I'm afraid he's going to be terribly disappointed (I think it is still too early), but I will let the Dr. crush his hopes.

In a fit of total optimism and confidence I bought a stroller for 30% off. It is our 'dream' stroller-which I can't believe my life has taken a turn where I have a dream stroller! We also talked about having a real, live baby. SCARY! MH is officially excited, but still a little scared.

Oh, and Le Bebe is the size of a lime today!

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