Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 30, 2008

26w: 98 Days To Go!!!!

Update- Here is the fabric I choose for the valances!

This is the bedding for Savannah's room, obviously it is very, very simple. I'm going to make some valances for the windows. I'll post pics as soon as I am in CT, and have the nursery somewhat put together!

Here is the crib we picked out this weekend. The one I 'really' wanted was sold out, and Babies R Us didn't inspire much confidence that it would in fact be coming we ordered choice number two.

The movers finally came Friday morning, and are unpacking our stuff in CT right this very minute! I will be giving my notice at work sometime this week! I have a Dr.'s appt. scheduled in CT Aug. 4th. I'm nervous about seeing a new Dr., but I've had a normal pregnancy so there really shouldn't be any issues. I also have my gestational diabetes test on Wednesday. I really, really hope I don't have GD!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

24w4d: She'll be in High School Soon!!!!!!

Time seems to be flying by right now. It reminds me of a scene in "When Harry met Sally." Sally says something to the effect of, "I'm going to be 40!" Harry asks, "When?" and Sally replies, "Someday!" I feel like before I know it Savannah will be choosing colleges!

I know I have been a TOTAL Debbie Downer in my last few posts so here is some good stuff!!! I am moving to CT sooner than expected...July 28th!!!!! They hired MH on permanently so all the nice perks like free flights are gone. We figured that any money I earned would be spent on flights, and seeing each other once a month was just not going to work. The rental house fell through after several traders mentioned that the owner said they could have a key, and crash there when they were too drunk to drive home. That will not work, period. We got a very nice apartment, though. It is closer to MH's work, and he will be able to car pool with his boss, Tim. Tim's wife is a L&D nurse so she has given me recommendations for an OB and pediatrician. The office staff at the new OB's has been very nice. This is HUGE for me since I have to hang-up and call back at my current office when a certain woman answers!!!!

I CANNOT wait to quit my job!!!! July 24th will be my last day! My mom asked me what I would do with myself for two months before the baby arrives: my mom is constantly doing something so I don't think laying on the couch watching TV hold much appeal for her. I will unpack and get things organized, but other than that I am going read, sleep, swim, and watch TV.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

23w1d: Hormonal Abyss, or Post Where I Continue Complaining

Well, the precious Wiblet is a little over a pound now, and about 11 inches in length. We scheduled a 3d/4d ultrasound in July so that is exciting!!! Plans for my shower seem to be coming together as well. It's not ALL bad, I promise!!!

I am bone tired. I try to tell myself that this is nothing compared to what it will be like when the baby is actually here, but obviously that is cold comfort.

I am swollen. This has been going on since week 17. My feet and ankles are literally the size of cantaloupes at the end of the day. I can't feel my toes, and it hurts to walk.

I am SWEATY! Since it is approximately 5,000 degrees here there is no relief. I sweat at work, at home, and even in the freaking pool! I hate, hate, hate being hot.

I have carpal tunnel. The only cure for it is delivery. I can't feel my left hand. Oh, and I work in a job where I have to type ALL DAY LONG!!!

I just want to cry and/or scream pretty much all day long. I feel incredibly I am possessed. The hormonal part is probably the worst because it reaffirms how little control I have over everything with my body right now. Everything is pissing me off. I hate my job. I'm sick of living with my FIL. I'm sick of being alone all damn day. I'm sick of not having any friends here. I'm sick of feeling like the odd man out since I am pregnant. I want a freaking cocktail!!!!! I want a hot bath!!! I want lunch meat, sushi, hot dogs, and Diet Coke!!!!! I miss my husband. I want to stop thinking that the baby's dead every single hour. I want to take my anxiety meds again.

Monday, June 2, 2008

22w: Beyond Expectations

I have a real problem with things living up to my expectations, well honestly not just things or events, but people too. Physically, being pregnant has been great, but it has taken a toll on other areas of my life that I didn't really anticipate i.e. some of my friendships. There are a couple that are dying, if not completely dead. I 'expected' that these people would be life long friends, I 'expected' that we could all move in different directions, and remain as close as we once were. I guess I have been watching too much Sex and the City! Has getting married and getting pregnant fundamentally changed who I am? I don't know. It doesn't feel like it; besides not bitching about bad dates and getting drunk I don't think I'm any different than the 'before' me. Who knows?

This is by far the happiest I have ever been in my entire life, but there are still parts that are missing. Is it like the 'triangle theory' where if two areas of your life are great the third will always be a mess? I have the great relationship, I'm going to finally be able to quit working, but the friendships are a wreck?! Is this just some kind of cosmic balancing act? Does anyone have it all?

The good news is I have found something that COMPLETELY exceeded all of expectations so maybe I'm not doomed to be eternally insatiable and annoying! Anyway, last night for some reason I decided to poke the baby. Well, I poked and poked THEN she BUMPED me back!!!! I felt it from the outside!!! AMAZING!!!! So, I kept poking her and she would bump back every time! I laughed and laughed and then cried a little bit. How in the world did I get so lucky?