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Thursday, July 24, 2008

29w3d: 7 Hours and 8 minutes...

Until I quit working (hopefully for the rest of my life!) I cannot wait to waddle my pregnant behind out of here!!!!! Apparently, my co-workers are giving me a pizza party to say good-bye. I am really not looking forward to all the small talk. I never really made friends with anyone at work so I kind of wish they would just let me slink out without fanfare.

I hope that I enjoy staying at home as much as I think I will. I was the happiest I have ever been when I was a full-time nanny. I know that I got to leave after eight hours, but I have never been as personally satisfied since. Frankly, sitting at a desk is basically torture for me so even the thought of being exhausted, and having a demanding, unpredictable new boss sounds appealing.

I had my shower last was FABULOUS!!!! All my dearest friends were there, and the food was beyond delicious. I will write a full post on it when I get to CT...I don't have my camera cord here with me to post pictures and properly document it.

On Friday I am meeting MH in Raleigh. We are going to dinner at Ruth Chris on Friday, yum!!!! Then we are going to a giant consignment sale Saturday morning. We have our 3d/4d ultrasound that afternoon, I can't wait to see her little face (and confirm that she is still a 'she.') I hope I will feel up to seeing Batman that night, but we'll see.

Check back next week for shower and ultrasound pics!!!!

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