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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

10w1d: First OB Appointment

I made it to the OB for something other than a PAP smear! The visit took FOREVER because my doctor was also delivering a baby, but I guess that's the name of the game. I thought it would be a lot more, well exciting, I guess. The nurse asked a few questions, I peed in a cup, got weighed, had my blood pressure taken, and gave a TON of blood. I am nervous wreck about my blood work. Hopefully, I don't have Hep or syphilis or worse. I debated about sharing this worry, but it's what's in my head now. Of course, all the results won't be back for a week so I can continue to torture myself. YAY! I'm really not doing very well with my anxiety/OCD right now. I feel like I'm drowning, but I do have an appointment with my shrink tomorrow maybe she can rework the few meds I can take to make me feel halfway stable.

The maternal fetal medicine (MFM) office called this morning to schedule our NT scan (Downs Syndrome screening). I was really stressed about scheduling this appointment, but of course (as usual) nothing I worried about going wrong happened...I didn't have to fight with the OB to get a referral, my OB faxed everything, the MFM office called, they were able to fit me in. Why am I so crazy? I can't believe how much time I spent (wasted) worrying about something that has become very routine.

My blood pressure was high at my the 140s...higher than it's ever been. I hope I was just nervous, but honestly I have been much, much more nervous at previous appointments like my m/c confirmation appointment and my first u/s. I hope that is lower next time, but I'm not so sure.


Anonymous said...

You can't worry about everything, you know. Be concerned (notice I didn't say "worry") about the things you can do something about. Things like getting enough rest, and eating the right foods, and taking your vitamins and whatever else they want mothers to take. Those would be factors you can have an influence over.

Anonymous said...

Wow, anonymous, your insight is positively inspiring. A person with an anxiety disorder shouldn't worry? REALLY?!?!? My life has new meaning. What has the mental health profession done without you for all this time? By your logic, I suppose if Wibs wants to be a millionaire, the first thing she should do is get a milion dollars.