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Friday, September 7, 2007

Beast of Burden

I'm sometimes afraid that I'm going to be a terrible mother, and no I'm not fishing for compliments, so hear me out. I'm afraid that the longer it takes to get pregnant, the more it costs, and the more high stakes the infertility game becomes the more I am going to desire the perfect child. I'm not only talking about physically and mentally perfect, but having a child who embodies everything that I have ever wanted. I'm afraid I will want a child who is beautiful, smart, quirky, funny, athletic, thin, talented...everything! I feel like a pregnancy that occurs from a drunken roll in the hay doesn't carry the same emotional baggage as a hard won, financially and emotionally expensive pregnancy occurring in a doctor's office. My child is destined to fail me because for this effort I want a child that will be everything I have dreamed of since I was little, and that desire will be compounded by having a harder row to hoe. I wonder if dreaming about having a baby will make the real thing lackluster. I have always had a problem with entitlement and expectations; being infertile makes it infinitely more difficult to have realistic expectations of a baby. What if I place a burden on my child that they will never be able shoulder? It isn't their fault they couldn't get here without medical intervention. I know that my child will not be perfect. I know that they will fuss, whine, talk back, break curfew, be selfish, and be ungrateful. How will I be able to contain hurling 'you cost me $XX, XXX.XX to even bring you into this world, and this is how you act' at them? Do all parents feel this way regardless of the cost of conception? Do the infertiles have higher expectations than the fertiles, or will the infertiles always be a tad more grateful when they look into the eyes of their surly teenagers? I know we have all seen 'stage mothers.' Are there 'infertility mothers' who expect nothing but the best from their children because the journey was so hard and so long? Will the shadow infertility always haunt us because we sacrificed so much to have children? I worry too that my child will get a terminal disease, be kidnapped, or have something else horrific happen to them. I know every mother fears these things, but I feel like it will be worse for me because I paid to bring this child into the world. How could you come to terms with that, and not feel cheated and simultaneously guilty for the rest of your life? I fear that I am placing all my eggs in my child's basket. Will my child be more than a child, and eventually become an investment that I expect to pay out?


GroovyUwe said...

Hey there, I'm not sure why I'm writing to you, but something here has touched me and I would like to say a couple of things. Make sure you have examined your motives for wanting a child. I know, I'm sure a lot of people have said this before, but I really mean it. I have 2 children and my ex-wife and I had a lot of issues at first because, you see I am not your traditional family type of guy and it was very difficult for me to adapt to this life. Don't get me wrong, I so much love my kids. My girl is very disabled which was not obvious during the main part of the pregnancy, and it wouldn't have made any dofference, we would've still carried on. But please make sure you're emotionall and financially prepared for your child . I don't think that not having a child means less fullfillment of your life. Love each other and be happy to be alive. I also truly believe that we never can "have" children. They're born with us as parents, maybe they choose us, maybe not, but we don't "own" them, we just take care of them as much as they take care of us at the same time. Pease & Love Uwe

Wibbs said...

I appreciate your candidness. Believe me MH and I have examined, talked out, prayed about, asked friends and family about motives for having children so I feel satisfied that we are coming from the right place and making the right decisions. What you see on blog is only a snippet of who I am, and what I am feeling at the moment. This is a fear of mine, and I promised myself when I started this blog that I would put it all out there because there are other women that have the same feelings, but are afraid to say what I am saying out loud. I think that by exploring my fears and thinking about them I will be more aware and less inclined to be a 'stage mother' of sorts. Financially speaking well that really isn't anyone's business, but our own. Suffice it to say MH appraoches nothing without a full financial investigation. I agree with you that not having a child doesn't mean an empty life of misery, but right now we want to pursue having a bio child. We may well be child free, but I am not in place where I am ready for that until we have exhausted our options. I also agree that we don't own our children, and having our children grow into who they are is one of things that I most look forward to about raising them. I'm glad you are did you come across me?