Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Bilateral Fill and Spill"

Let me tell you, when I heard this phrase I experienced joy along the same lines as getting into college or having MH tell me he loved me for the first time. These four words mean that my HSG was normal! We do not have to go straight to IVF. My little eggs, should they ever decide to grow up and come out, will have a beautiful highway travel on, and hopefully pick up a handsome, non-Ted Bundy hitchhiker; not to mention our weary travelers have a perfect place to crash for the next nine months!

I agonized over this test not only because I heard it was 'horrifically painful,' but also because it would determine a large part of what course our infertility journey would take. Well, the test wasn't a foot massage, but it wasn't exactly having a limb removed with a hacksaw either. I freely admit that I took 5 Advil and 1 Zanax which I certainly think is the way to go. My doctor said that my HSG was the quickest she'd ever done...I'm sure she says that to all the girls, but it made me feel like I wasn't the Queen of the Weenies! It was such a surreal experience to see your inside 'lady bits' on a screen! It made me think about one day seeing a baby in there. What must that be like...especially if it's a boy...I can't get over the thought of growing a penis inside of you!!!! I know that sounds crazy, but ladies think about how bizarre it would be!

My friend, Lil, and I talked about how bizarre we found being pregnant for a long time last night. We just can't imagine what it would be like to feel something moving around in side you. Look, if there are any of you frunchy earth mothers reading this I do get that it a natural process, full of wonder, etc., etc., BUT come on you have human inside you!!!!! As much as I want a baby seeing someone's elbow or foot sticking out of my tum is going to freak me out! I suppose all reproduction is inherently strange. Can you imagine if we were like a sponge? They bud...what if your baby just grew and then fell of your arm or leg! Laying eggs is also very strange to me...can you imagine laying a giant egg...would it be like an ostrich egg or bigger than that!?

One final thought---Why can't babies be gestated in an aquarium? Think about that one! You could keep it on your desk!

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